Wednesday, April 25, 2007

feeling like a chip clip

I am not sure what is up with me lately, but I have been experiencing some major ass laziness. I find myself being sooo bored most of the day, but have no interest in doing anything to resolve my issue. It is actually extremely nice. I have no expectations, no goals, no nothing for the entire day, just to exist and hangout with Rt. (Well, only dinner for three, but my mom took care of that last night and brought home In N Out. Righteous.)

I think some of it is the fact my mom is here and graciously cleans my house (kitchen) the moment she returns from work in the evenings. I tell her not to (sort of), but I don't think she sees the mess as carefree as I do right now. (piles don't mean clean to her). I do make efforts to clean somethings throughout the day, (shuffle said piles) but in the end, who really cares? At least the laundry gets done. (some would beg to differ) Actually, I never take it out of the dryer, but at least it makes it to the dryer, right? Poor hubs, he has to fish out his clean underwear from the laundry room. (boo hoo) Who wants to fold clothes anyway? Then, you have to put them up somewhere. (hide them) My whole goal is to get the laundry basket empty. (for like a frickin minute) What happens to it after the fact is not so important.

Anywho...I have had no concrete plans this entire week. (I'm melting!) What scheduled events I usually do have are not in session this week due to one thing or another. (bastards!) (I am seeing a pattern here. no plans...... no shower.......... no teeth brushed.) I am taking great pride in my quest to just sit and chill (turn on video) cause you never know when you might not have this free time again. (or child who will forget that you exist and watch the same episode of signing time 3 times in a row.)



BeachMama said...

I definately have days like those. And then I kick it into gear for a day or two. Truthfully, there is stuff I could do, but it is so unappealing right now that I just hang out and chill with J.

LVGurl said...

I wish I could be bored sometimes...

180360 said...

Enjoy it while you can...

I've had 3 chip clips break in the past week. Go figure. :D

Losing my Mind said...

Girl I was just telling a friend that even though I'm 'constantly going' I feel bored...when home I feel like doing very little...I miss my old live in nanny/housekeeper more than I would ever miss my kid when she goes to college at this point. sigh