Friday, March 23, 2007

mundane madness

Can't wait till these day lilies bloom again. I'm in need of a Spring pick me up.


Losing my Mind said...

ooh pretty flowers! i can't wait to garden in my new private patio and creating my own shangri-la. :)

little miss mel said...

These were all here when we moved into our house. Now, the real task is to keep them from dying. We are just now feeling somewhat green thumbed after 1 1/2 years. Ohhh, patio. Perfect size! Show photos once your complete.

BeachMama said...

Oh I wish we were that close to flowers blooming. We just got rid of all the snow...again. I am sure it won't be long now though.

And, I think it's cool you have been to Rehoboth. I don't meet many people who have been there. But it is a family thing for us :).

Anonymous said...

I'm DYING for spring flowers here too! The sun has been shining...


180360 said...

Beautiful! I was planning to post a slideshow of my (just) blooming garden, if only I could figure out how to do it...

Anonymous said...

Impressive gardening work! Love it.

Anonymous said...

i kill everything in my path. it's either feed the kids or water the plants.